Engelsk A

Onsdag den 17. august 2022
kl. 09.00-14.00

Vejledning til opgavesættet

Du skal besvare følgende opgaver:
  • Assignment 1-3
  • I assignment 4 skal du vælge enten 4A eller 4B
Tekster til assignment 4:
4A – Fiction: “The Quiet One”, a short story by Stephen Gibbin, 2020.

4B – Non-fiction: “This should be Scotland’s rewilding election”, an article by Adam Ramsay, openDemocracy website, 2021.

“Scotland: What will you choose?”, a video from YouTube website, 2021.

Vejledning og skabelon til at løse opgaven
Den samlede eksaminationstid for assignment 1-4 er fem timer. Besvarelsen bedømmes som en helhed ud fra de faglige mål for niveauet. Der lægges vægt på beherskelsen af det engelske sprog, forståelse af forlægget og færdighed i skriftlig fremstilling på engelsk.

Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-4.

Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip

Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.
Du kan henvise til dele af video- og lydklip, f.eks. ved at angive afspillerens minut- og sekundtal for henholdsvis starten og slutningen af klippet.

Generel skabelon for henvisninger til tekster

Du henviser til tekster ved enten 1) at angive linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i en fodnote eller ved 2) at sætte linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i parentes inde i din tekst:
Ved én linje: l. 34
Ved flere linjer: ll. 35-37
Ved minuttalsangivelse: 01:23-02:12

I fodnoter angives:
Opslag i bog
“Hvad er et ‘utælleligt ord’?”. Helle Brieghel og Dorthe Chalotte Hansen. Engelsk Grundgrammatik. Questions and Answers. Systime 2010. p. 47.

Opslag i elektronisk opslagsværk
“Utællelige substantiver”. Thomas Boesen og Sarah Barding. Engram. Minlaering 2019. (www.minlaering.dk)

Artikel fra bog eller antologi
“Post-Modernism”. Gitte Vest Barkholt and Jørgen Døssing Jepsen. A Short History of Literature in English. A Handbook. Systime 2010. pp. 79-93.

Tekster i opgavesættet

Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.

Assignment 1

Besvar både opgave a. og b. nedenfor. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi. Husk kildehenvisning, hvis du citerer fra en grammatikbog. Skriv dine svar på dansk.
  1. Find og skriv 14 forskellige adjektiver fra teksten.

  2. Forklar kort de vigtigste regler for gradbøjning af adjektiver på engelsk. Inddrag alle eksemplerne i din forklaring.

Teksten er et uddrag af en roman.

On their arrival the station was lively with straw-hatted young men, welcoming young girls who
bore a remarkable family likeness to their welcomers, and who were dressed up in the brightest
and lightest of raiment.
    “The place seems gay,” said Sue. “Why – it is Remembrance Day!1 – Jude – how sly of you –
you came today on purpose!”
    “Yes”, said Jude quietly, as he took charge of the small child, and told Arabella’s boy to keep
close to them, Sue attending to their own eldest. “I thought we might as well come today as on
any other.”
    “But I am afraid it will depress you!” she said, looking anxiously at him up and down.
    “Oh, I mustn’t let it interfere with our business; and we have a good deal to do before we shall
be settled here. The first thing is lodgings.” [...]
    But his soul seemed full of the anniversary, and together they went down Chief Street, their
smallest child in Jude’s arms, Sue leading her little girl, and Arabella’s boy walking thoughtfully
and silently beside them. Crowds of pretty sisters in airy costumes, and meekly ignorant parents
who had known no college in their youth, were under convoy in the same direction [...]

Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure, 1894

1 Remembrance Day: en lokal festdag

Assignment 2

I tekststykket er en række ord og led understreget. Besvar opgave a., b. og c. nedenfor. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi. Husk kildehenvisning, hvis du citerer fra en grammatikbog. Skriv dine svar på dansk.
  1. Syv sammensatte verballed er understreget.
    •  Skriv for hvert verballed hele subjektet
    •  Skriv om verballeddet er aktiv eller passiv

  2. Fem sammensatte ord er understreget.
    •  Skriv for hvert eksempel, hvilken ordklasse det sammensatte ord tilhører
    •  Forklar kort ud fra sammenhængen, hvordan man kan se ordklassen

  3. Ordet that er understreget fire steder.
    •  Skriv for hvert eksempel, hvilken ordklasse ordet tilhører

Teksten er et uddrag af en avisartikel.

Whether with a private therapist on Zoom, through an app that daily reminds us to log our emotions,
or in a back-and-forth with a chatbot, teletherapy is often proffered as a catch-all salve for our
current mental healthcare crises. Remote treatment is touted as an efficient way to reach more
patients in a time of extreme difficulty, an intimate intervention that can scale.
    During the on-and-off mandated social distancing that has marked the past 18 months of the
pandemic, teletherapy has shed its status as a minor form of care to become, at times, the only
thing on offer. [...]
    Having a therapist see a patient on Zoom or condensing treatment to self-tracking and AI1
interfaces may be recent innovations, but the broad notion that technology and distanced processes
will solve our woes is nothing new. We have been turning to forms of technology to deliver mental
health services for more than 100 years. [...]
    While versions of teletherapy have emerged over and over again during the past century on
medium after medium, it is also accurate to say that it has finally arrived. The corporate health
industry has taken notice. Online therapy companies such as Talkspace are being traded publicly on
Nasdaq2. Amazon has continued to push its Halo wearable tech, which uses a built-in microphone
to perform machine listening, with nudges to users to be more “positive”. And white-collar workers in
the US are treated to a barrage of company-sponsored reminders to use the mindfulness and
wellness apps bundled in their benefits.

The Guardian, 2021

1 kunstig intelligens
2 et aktieindeks på børsen i New York

Assignment 3

Videoen i denne opgave er lavet for Greenpeace.

Besvar både opgave a. og b. nedenfor. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi. Husk kildehenvisning, hvis du citerer fra en grammatikbog. Skriv dit svar på dansk.
  1. Find og skriv fra videoens lydside femten forskellige substantiver, der er betegnelser for personer. Bøj, hvor det er muligt, substantiverne i pluralis.

  2. Forklar kort de vigtigste regler for pluralisbøjning af substantiver. Inddrag alle eksemplerne i din forklaring.

“What if?”, kampagnevideo, 2020

Assignment 4

Answer 4A or 4B

Assignment 4A – Fiction

Write an analytical essay (900-1200 words) in which you analyse and interpret Stephen Gibbin’s short story “The Quiet One”.

Part of your essay must focus on the setting of the story. In addition your essay must include an analysis of the style of writing in lines 1-18.

Your essay must include references to the short story.

Stephen Gibbin. “The Quiet One”, 2020

Assignment 4B – Non-fiction

Write an analytical essay (900-1200 words) in which you analyse Adam Ramsay’s article “This should be Scotland’s rewilding election” and discuss the arguments for rewilding presented in the text and the video.

Part of your essay must focus on the writer’s use of contrasts. In addition your essay must include an analysis of the style of writing in lines 41-56.

Your essay must include references to:
  • Adam Ramsay’s article
  • Video: “Scotland: What will you choose?”

Adam Ramsay. “This should be Scotland’s rewilding election”, an article from openDemocracy website, 2021

“Scotland: What will you choose?”, a video from YouTube website, 2021


Hent skabelonen til besvarelsen i menuen til venstre.


Anvendt materiale (til brug for Copydan):

Thomas Hardy. Jude the Obscure. 1894. London: Penguin, 1998.

Hannah Zeavin. “Therapy via Zoom should make mental healthcare available for all – it hasn’t”. The Guardian website, August 3, 2021, viewed October 2021. (www.theguardian.com)

Greenpeace. “What if?”. 2020. YouTube website, February 24, 2021, viewed October 2021. (www.youtube.com)

Stephen Gibbin. “The Quiet One”. Higgins et al. (eds.). Bath Short Story Award Anthology 2020. Great Britain: Ad Hoc Fiction, 2020.

Adam Ramsay. “This should be Scotland’s rewilding election”. openDemocracy website, February 20, 2021, viewed October 2021. (www.opendemocracy.net)

“Scotland: What will you choose?”. YouTube website, July 22, 2021, viewed October 2021. (www.youtube.com)