Engelsk B

Ny ordning

Tirsdag den 25. maj 2021
kl. 09.00-14.00

Vejledning til opgavesættet

Du skal besvare følgende opgaver:
  • Assignment 1-5
Tekster til Assignment 5:
  • “Florida to Release 750 Million GMO Mosquitoes in 2021”, a video, Seeker website, 2020.
  • “Fury over plan to release 750 MILLION genetically engineered mosquitoes in Florida Keys to kill insects carrying Zika and yellow fever - as locals brand it a 'Jurassic Park experiment' that could create superbugs”, an article, The Daily Mail website, 2020.

Vejledning til opgaverne
Den samlede eksaminationstid for Assignment 1-5 er fem timer. Besvarelsen bedømmes som en helhed ud fra de faglige mål for niveauet. Der lægges vægt på beherskelsen af det engelske sprog, forståelse af forlægget og færdighed i skriftlig fremstilling på engelsk.

Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som hentes ved klik på Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-5.

Sådan henviser du til tekst, video- og lydklip

Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger.

Du kan henvise til dele af video- og lydklip, f.eks. ved at angive afspillerens minut- og sekundtal for henholdsvis starten og slutningen af klippet.

Generel skabelon for henvisninger til tekster

Alle henvisninger angives i fodnoter

Henvisning til kilderne (sources) i opgavematerialet
”In N.R.A. Fight, Companies Find There Is No Neutral Ground” (l.15) eller (ll.15-17)

Henvisning til videoer i kilderne (sources) i opgavematerialet
”Why Americans Love Guns” (01:23-02:12)

Ved evt. brug af materiale fra undervisningen skal kilden angives.

Tekster i opgavesættet

Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.

Assignment 1

Indsæt i alt ni punktummer i nedenstående tekstuddrag, og ret til stort begyndelsesbogstav.

Chika hardly sleeps all night the window is shut tight; the air is stuffy, and the dust, thick and gritty, crawls up her nose she keeps seeing the blackened corps floating in a halo by the window, pointing accusingly at her finally she hears the woman get up and open the window, letting in the dull blue of early dawn the woman stands there for a while before climbing out Chika can hear footsteps, people walking past she hears the woman call out, voice raised in recognition, followed by rapid *Hausa that Chika does not understand
Chika stands slowly and stretches; her joints ache she will walk all the way back to her auntie’s home in the gated estate, because there are no taxies, there are only army Jeeps and battered police station wagons

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The Thing Around Your Neck, Harper Collins. London 2009, p.55.

*Hausa [mass noun] the Chadic language of the Hausa, spoken by some 30 million people, mainly in Nigeria and Niger, and used as a lingua franca in parts of West Africa.

Assignment 2

Find i nedenstående tekststykke de første to af hver af følgende ordklasser (det må ikke være de samme ord): Substantiv (navneord), verbum (udsagnsord), adjektiv (tillægsord), adverbium (biord), pronomen (stedord) og præposition (forholdsord).
Skriv dine ord i tabellen nedenfor.

In 2016, voters in Key Haven, Florida, rejected a proposal to release the genetically modified mosquito in their town.
Officials hope the transgenic bugs will provide a safer, cheaper alternative to spraying the Aedes aegypti with insecticides.
These mark the first time genetically modified mosquitoes will be used in the US. But scientists monitoring a similar effort in Brazil say it has backfired.
Oxitec slammed the study as 'false, misleading and speculative' and said it had 'successfully provided significant suppression of the wild Aedes aegypti in Brazil.'

Dan Avery, “Fury over plan to release 750 MILLION genetically engineered mosquitoes in Florida Keys to kill insects
carrying Zika and yellow fever - as locals brand it a 'Jurassic Park experiment' that could create superbugs”

Ordklasser: Det første ord: Det andet ord:

Assignment 3

Skriv en sammenhængende tekst om billedet på 75 til 125 ord, hvor du anvender konjunktioner (bindeord). Marker fire af dine anvendte konjunktioner. Bemærk, at det skal være fire forskellige konjunktioner.

Fotograf: Abdullah Rashid

Assignment 4

Du skal besvare både 4A og 4B.

Vær opmærksom på, at du først kan besvare Assignment 4, når du har besvaret Assignment 5.

Assignment 4A

Fra dit eget essay i Assignment 5, find to sætninger, som du selv har formuleret, hvor verballeddet (udsagnsleddet) står i præsens (nutid). Omskriv dine to sætninger til præteritum (datid) og dernæst til futurum (fremtid).

Vælger du en sætning, hvor der indgår både en hovedsætning og en ledsætning, kan du nøjes med at angive hovedsætningen.

Din første sætning i præsens:  
Din sætning omskrevet til præteritum:  
Din sætning omskrevet til futurum:  

Din anden sætning i præsens:  
Din sætning omskrevet til præteritum:  
Din sætning omskrevet til futurum:  

Assignment 4B

Fra dit eget essay i Assignment 5, find en sætning, som du selv har formuleret, hvor subjektet (grundleddet) står i 3. person, singularis (ental), og omskriv hele sætningen, så subjektet står i 3. person, pluralis (flertal).

Din sætning i præsens, 3. person, singularis:  
Din sætning i præsens, 3. person, pluralis:  

Assignment 5: Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes

Argumentative essay

Using both texts from the given material, write an argumentative essay in which you account for and discuss the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes into nature.

Give your essay an appropriate headline.

Word count: 700-1000 words

Source material: Your essay must include references to the source material.
All sources must be documented.

II: Fury over plan to release 750 MILLION genetically engineered mosquitoes in Florida Keys to kill insects carrying Zika and yellow fever - as locals brand it a 'Jurassic Park experiment' that could create superbugs

  • Authorities approved a plan this week to release swarms of modified
    Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which can carry Zika, dengue fever and
    other illnesses
  • Only female mosquitoes bite, so the modified insects are all male
  • They've been altered so any female offspring would die before they
    get big enough to bite and spread disease
  • Critics warn it could backfire, creating a hybrid more resistant to

20 August 2020

Some residents of the Florida Keys are furious over plans to release more than 750 million
genetically modified mosquitoes in the region to combat disease.

The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District gave final approval Tuesday to the plan, which will
be rolled out in 2021 and 2022.

The transgenic insects, classified as OX5034, have been modified to help cull the population

of Aedes aegypti, a mosquito known to carry Zika, malaria, dengue, yellow fever and other illnesses.

However, residents and local wildlife groups worry the 'Jurrasic Park experiment' could just
introduce a new breed of mosquito.

State officials have attempted to calm their fears, stating the transgenic bugs will provide a safer,
cheaper alternative to spraying the Aedes aegypti with insecticides.

A closeup of an Aedes aegypti on human skin. On Tuesday the Florida Keys Mosquito Control
District gave final approval to a plan to release more than 750 million genetically modified
versions of the insect to help decrease its numbers in the Keys.

The mosquitoes are all male, altered so that any female offspring they produce die in the larval
stage well before they are big enough to bite and spread disease.

Only female mosquitoes bite for blood, which they need to mature their eggs. Male offspring would
pass along the 'defective' gene.

Dengue fever results in 390 million infections per year, according to the World Health Organization,

with a more-than-30-fold increase in reported cases the last 50 years.

The disease causes high fever, severe headaches and joint pain and can result in lethal complications
- it also kills up to 25,000 people every year.

A woman outside the Florida Mosquito Control District Office protesting the use of transgenic mosquitoes. Critics say the
altered insects could actually create generations of heartier hybrid mosquitoes that are more resistant to pesticides

The transgenic mosquitoes, all male, have been designed to sire female offspring that would die as larva, long before they could
bite and spread Zika, dengue, yellow fever and other pathogens. Only female mosquitoes bite for blood, which they need to mature
their eggs

The Florida Keys faced major dengue outbreaks in 2009 and 2010, with smaller ones reported this

But residents and environmental groups say not enough is known about these transgenic mosquitoes.

They worry the program could just introduce a new breed of mosquito that's more resistant to

Jaydee Hanson of the International Center for Technology Assessment accused the EPA, which gave
the project the thumbs up in May, of failing to seriously consider the risks.

'With all the urgent crises facing our nation and the State of Florida - the COVID-19 pandemic, racial
injustice, climate change - the administration has used tax dollars and government resources for a
Jurassic Park experiment,' Hanson said in a statement on Wednesday.

Officials hope the altered mosquitoes can provide a safer, cheaper alternative to spraying the Aedes aegypti with insecticides.
Neither the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District nor Oxitec has publicly announced exactly when or where the releases will occur

'What could possibly go wrong? We don't know.'

In 2016, voters in Key Haven, Florida, rejected a proposal to release the genetically modified mosquito

in their town.

More than 230,000 people have signed a Change.org petition against the current plan.

Officials hope the transgenic bugs will provide a safer, cheaper alternative to spraying the Aedes
aegypti with insecticides.

Neither the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District nor Oxitec has publicly announced exactly when or

where the releases will occur.

The transgenic Aedes aegypti has also been approved for release in Harris County, Texas, next year.

These mark the first time genetically modified mosquitoes will be used in the US. But scientists
monitoring a similar effort in Brazil say it has backfired.

Researchers from Yale University investigated the impact of Oxitec's transgenic mosquitoes in

Jacobina, a popular ecotourism destination.

A woman in Brazil breastfeeds her son in a bed protected by a mosquito net. Scientists from Yale say Oxitec's transgenic
mosquitoes released in the country have created generations of hardier hybrid insects

In a study published last year in Nature journal Scientific Reports, they found 'clear evidence' that the
genetically modified mosquitoes gave rise to new generations of hardier, hybrid insects.

'The claim was that genes from the release strain would not get into the general population because
offspring would die,' said senior author Jeffrey Powell, an ecologist and evolutionary biologist at Yale.

'That obviously was not what happened.'

Oxitec slammed the study as 'false, misleading and speculative' and said it had 'successfully provided
significant suppression of the wild Aedes aegypti in Brazil.'

Originating in Africa, Aedes aegypti can now be found in tropical and subtropical regions around the



“Florida to Release 750 Million GMO Mosquitoes in 2021”, a video, Seeker website, 13-10-2020. Viewed 12-11-2020.

Dan Avery, “Fury over plan to release 750 MILLION genetically engineered mosquitoes in Florida Keys to kill insects carrying Zika and yellow fever - as locals brand it a 'Jurassic Park experiment' that could create superbugs”, an article, The Daily Mail website, 20-08-2020. Viewed 12-11-2020.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, The Thing Around Your Neck, Harper Collins. London 2009.

Photo by Abdullah Rashid, The Guardian website, 12-11-2020. Viewed 13-11-2020.