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Mandag den 14. december 2020
kl. 09.00-14.00


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  • Opgave 1-4
  • Opgave 5: Her skal du vælge opgave 1, 2, 3 eller 4
Tekster til opgave 5 i dette opgavesæt:

Palm Oil
  • “Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap”, a video, Business Insider YouTube channel, 2019
  • “How palm oil ban has made the EU a dirty word in Malaysia”, an article, The Guardian website, 2018
  • “Accept palm oil as a wonderful gift”, a letter to the editor, The Star website, 2018

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Alt materiale anvendt i opgave 5 skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger.
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Den generelle, overordnede skabelon for en henvisning til internetmateriale

Author, “Title”. Site, medium. Date accessed. [Link].

Artikel fra internettet med forfatter
Kate Abbey-Lambertz, “Big Sean Gives Back to Hometown Detroit, Hands Out School Supplies to Students”. Huffington Post website. Viewed 8-8-2013.

Artikel fra internettet uden forfatter
“The Civil War and emancipation”. PBS website. Viewed 6-6-2013.

Opslag på internettet
“Emancipation Proclamation”. Wikipedia website. Viewed 6-6-2013.

Video på internettet
ABC News, “Obama’s Historic Pro-Gay Marriage Stance”. YouTube website. Viewed 27-4-2013.
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_RkoMDv3fE]. (3:10-3:22)


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Opgave 1

I hver af de nedenstående sætninger er der en fejl. Ret fejlen og forklar din rettelse. Brug grammatisk/faglig terminologi.

  1. His old car was becoming too expensive to keep, so he decided to buy himself a new as soon as he could afford it.

  2. Unfortunately, one of her favourite teachers have decided to quit her job and work in another town.

  3. I just got a call from a young man, whom might buy our old car.

  4. In the election, it is important to help everybody who are older than 80 to vote.

  5. They were riding their bicycles through town without using helmets and without thinking of that it was very dangerous.

  6. “In my opinion, we should try to forget the whole thing as quick as possible,” the man said eagerly.

  7. Tomorrow, I will buy some old furniture for our summer cottage and paint them all white.

  8. All the people were disappeared from the crime scene, when the police arrived to investigate the incident.

Opgave 2

Skriv en sammenhængende tekst på 75-150 ord, hvor du bruger alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger. Emnet er valgfrit.

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Opgave 3

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Yet for Malaysia’s smallholder farmers, many of whom were rescued from poverty when the government’s land authority, Felda, gave them 10 acres of land to harvest palm oil in the 80s, the allegations of environmental destruction are baffling. They account for 40% of Malaysia’s palm oil output and yet none engage in any land-grabbing, the slash and burn or deforestation practices that were pivotal proponents for MEPs voting to ban palm oil in biofuels.

Lehan Samiran, 62, who has had his 10 acres since 1981, shook his fists angrily. He has three children in university who are all supported by the income from his palm oil farm. “Why are the EU doing this to us?” he said. “They have not thought about the farmers, about the human price. The statement ignored us. They are so far away they do not care. We are not harming the environment, we are looking after it. I am very angry, everybody is very angry. How can we not be, this will affect our rice bowl.”

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Uddrag fra: “How palm oil ban has made the EU a dirty word in Malaysia”

Opgave 4

Find fem forskellige adjektiver (tillægsord) og fem forskellige adverbier (biord) i nedenstående videoklip og skriv, hvilket ord de beskriver.

Uddrag fra: Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap

Adjektiv Skriv, hvilket ord adjektivet beskriver: Skriv, hvilken ordklasse det beskrevne ord er:
cheap palm oil substantiv (navneord)
Adverbium Skriv, hvilket ord adverbiet beskriver: Skriv, hvilken ordklasse det beskrevne ord er:

Palm Oil

You are expected to choose one of the following four assignments.
Write between 800 and 1200 words.

Feel free to find additional material on the Internet.

Note: See ‘Fact sheet’ in ‘Toolbox’ for definitions of the four genres in the assignments below.

1. Essay
Using the given material as your starting point, write an essay in which you discuss the use of palm oil.

2. Report from the future
Write a report from the future in which you describe and discuss the use of palm oil.
Include aspects from the given material in your report.

3. Contribution to a debate
Using the given material as your starting point, write a contribution to an ongoing debate about the use of palm oil, either as a manuscript for a speech or as a letter to the editor (reader’s letter).

4. News article
Write a news article about the use of palm oil.
Include aspects from the given material in your article.

Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap

Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap


How palm oil ban has made the EU a dirty word
in Malaysia

Hannah Ellis-Petersen
25 Apr 2018

Angry farmers despair at what will happen to their livelihoods when the Brussels
biofuels ban takes effect in 2020

Malaysian palm oil farmers Nur Harun Muhammad and Nodin Bin Ramli. Photograph: Sudheer Kaali

n the small farming settlement of Palong in rural Malaysia, the EU is a dirty word. A few
months ago, these men – mostly in their sixties, their skin brown and weathered from years
working the land – had never even heard of the European parliament: but now their
livelihoods are at risk because of it.

The crop they harvest is palm oil, one of Malaysia’s biggest exports worth $20bn a year. The
European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly to ban the use of palm oil in all European
biofuels by 2020, citing environmental concerns. If it is approved by the European Commission,
the impact on the 650,000 smallholder palm farmers in Malaysia will be devastating.

“I have spent all my money on the palm oil farm, I have recently planted new trees that will
last for the next 25 years, and my whole family relies on this. It’s how my kids afford to study,”
said Hussain Mohamed, 66, who has had his 10-acre plantation for over 30 years, and supports
his entire family on the income.

“Our whole community here totally depends on palm oil. But now we hear about the EU biofuel
ban and this came as a shock to us, we still do not understand it and everybody is scared of what
is going to happen to us in two years’ time. We have all signed petitions,” he said.

Shaking his head angrily, he said the uncertainty had already affected the selling price of palm
oil. “I am proud of my farm, I really take care of the trees every day. How can they say I am bad
for the environment?”

In the past few years, campaigners have gathered mountains of damning evidence that the
growing demand for palm oil from the EU and China has fuelled massive illegal deforestation in
Indonesia and Malaysia by governments and big corporations, forcing several species to the brink
of extinction.

"It’s the same colonial attitudes, the white man imposing their
rule on us from afar.

Yet for Malaysia’s smallholder farmers, many of whom were rescued from poverty when the
government’s land authority, Felda, gave them 10 acres of land to harvest palm oil in the 80s, the
allegations of environmental destruction are baffling. They account for 40% of Malaysia’s palm oil
output and yet none engage in any land-grabbing, the slash and burn or deforestation practices
that were pivotal proponents for MEPs voting to ban palm oil in biofuels.

Lehan Samiran, 62, who has had his 10 acres since 1981, shook his fists angrily. He has three
children in university who are all supported by the income from his palm oil farm. “Why are the
EU doing this to us?” he said. “They have not thought about the farmers, about the human price.
The statement ignored us. They are so far away they do not care. We are not harming the
environment, we are looking after it. I am very angry, everybody is very angry. How can we not
be, this will affect our rice bowl.”

Workers collect palm oil fruit in Sepang, outside Kuala Lumpur. Photograph: Samsul Said/Reuters

The EU is Malaysia’s third biggest palm oil customer, and much of it is imported to make biofuels.
The farmers and Felda also fear the resolution would be just the first step towards banning palm
oil outright in the EU. Iceland supermarket has already said it will not use palm oil in its own-
brand goods.

The proposed ban in biofuels, which is part of a revision of the EU’s renewables directives, has
already prompted the rumblings of an international trade dispute, with Malaysia and Indonesia
threatening retaliatory sanctions against EU goods in response, and Malaysia reportedly
threatened to cancel defence contracts worth £5bn if the UK backed a palm oil ban in Brussels.

MEP Kateřina Konečná, who was the first to bring the motion to ban palm oil to the European
parliament said that while she understood the plight of the small farmers, “these smallholders
are a slice of big national and international corporations who are responsible for deforestation.”

But a spokesperson for Felda, questioned why palm oil had been singled out over other vegetable
oils used to make biofuels - many of which, like rapeseed, are grown in EU countries - calling it
“crop apartheid” and condemned the EU for disregarding “the hundreds of thousands of lives it
will destroy”.

“It’s the same colonial attitudes, the white man imposing their rule on us from afar.” he said.
“If the EU respect Malaysia as a sovereign country and as a partner in development and trade,
they should not put this unfair restriction on us, and instead work with us on environmental
concerns. Freezing us out is wrong.”

He was echoed by Dato’ Haji Aliasak Bin Haji Ambia, the President of the National Association
of Small Holders Malaysia. “Palm oil has allowed the rural poor in Malaysia to develop our own
land, lift ourselves and our families out of poverty, and take control of our own economic destiny,”
he said.

With the Malaysian election coming up on 9 May, this is also a pivotal issue. Felda farmers are a
key support base for the ruling coalition, Barisan Nasional, and prime minister Najib Razak has
made promising to defend palm oil one of the talking points of his campaign.

Greenpeace this week published further evidence that palm oil has driven further forest clearance
in Papua, Indonesia, tainting its reputation further. Yet a ban does not necessarily solve the
environmental problems.

The market for biodiesel in the EU is still growing, with a large percentage currently made from
palm oil. Should the ban be implemented, other vegetable oils will have to be be used in its place,
such as soybean oil, which has also been proved to be environmentally destructive, responsible for
mass deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.

While oil palms occupy 9.2 million hectares of agricultural land and produce 31.8% of global oils,
the soybean and rapeseed crops would require 10 times this amount of land to produce the same

There are also wider political ramifications of the EU ban. Banning palm oil in biofuels is likely to
also weaken the EU’s influence in southeast Asia, and hand even more more power to China – the
biggest palm oil customer in the world – at a time when the EU has expressed concern about
increasing Chinese domination of the region.

But for the country’s farmers, this is simply about sustaining the food in their rice bowls. Nur Harun
Muhammad, 64, stood among the palms that he has tended to every day for the past 35 years
and smiled widely.

“See, not poison, not bad,” Nur said, showing off the bright yellow palm oil that had oozed out
onto his hands. “When you go back to England please, please tell them palm oil is good.”


Accept palm oil as a wonderful gift

01 May 2018

In Malaysia L’Oreal has committed to support SPOTS (Sustainable Palm Oil and Traceability with Sabah small producers),
by purchasing from 500 smallholders over five years.

FOOD security is a major concern throughout the world with global population now exceeding
seven billion. Coupled with the increasing per capita food consumption worldwide, it is
understandable that many countries are anxious about having enough food to meet their
growing demand.

As countries become more developed and purchasing power increases, not only would the
demand for growing food change, so also would the people’s diet preferences.

Studies have shown that when people have more money at their disposal, their intake of meat
products also rises. It has also been shown that in more developed economies like the United
States and European Union, food consumption may be more than three to five times that in
developing economies. China is a clear example of a country which has witnessed a dramatic
increase in the per capita intake of meat as the economy expands.

The growing demand for meat proteins has also translated into an expanding demand for
animal feed. In the last decade or so, the world has witnessed a large expansion in the
cultivation of such major feed crops, especially soybean and corn. Large tracts of land
have been cleared to grow these crops.

Take, for example, the expansion of land for soybean farming in Brazil and Argentina. Many
have expressed outrage since much of the expansion has encroached into sensitive forest areas
where environmentalists are also concerned about loss of biodiversity and reduction in the global
sinks for greenhouse gases.

Along with the expansion in soybean farming, large areas are also cleared to support livestock
farming, especially cattle, which present another problem. Methane gas from the metabolic habits
of cattle and other livestock complicates the global effort to reverse climate change. At 21 times
more potent than carbon dioxide, methane is more devastating as a greenhouse gas.

Similar expansion in the livestock business is also being seen in the US and China.

However, the global warming potential of the livestock industry has not attracted as much
attention as the misguided environmental perception on palm oil. This is explained by some as
the developed versus developing country syndrome. Palm oil is a product of only developing
nations, especially Malaysia and Indonesia, while the livestock business is also massive among
the developed economies, especially the US. Palm oil is therefore regarded as a much easier
target to pick a fight with.

But this is where the critics of palm oil are very much mistaken. Looking at the many credentials
of palm oil, we should actually be grateful for this unique product of nature. Palm oil is
truly nature’s gift to the world.

Firstly, it is clear that the world is running short of arable land to grow food. At the same time,
the global food demand continues to rise, driven by the growth in population as well as better
purchasing power among world consumers. It would therefore be in the global interest to plant
food crops with higher yields on the limited land available.

In the edible oil crops category, no other oil can match the high productivity of palm oil, which is
almost 10 times higher.

Secondly, unlike the other competing oil crops, oil palm is a perennial whereas the others are
all annuals. Annual crops such as soybean, sunflower and rapeseed disturb the soils more.
This means that in order to restore the virility of the soils, massive amounts of chemical
fertilisers have to be deployed. And we all know this is environmentally unhealthy.

Oil palm, on the other hand, is the closest one can get to the natural forest. Once planted, the
land remains undisturbed for at least the next 25 years after which it will be due for replanting.

Add these to the fact that oil palm is the only oil crop which gives two different oils, palm oil and
palm kernel oil, and it helps cushion the global oil prices, many wonder why some are still critical
of this wonderful oil.

By right, the entire humanity should be grateful for having palm oil. It is a clear example of a crop
which can help us overcome the global food security issue. We should stop ridiculing palm oil!


Fellow Academy of Sciences Malaysia

UCSI University



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Fact sheet

1. Essay

You are expected to discuss the main theme of the given material. Your essay should include more than one angle. Feel free to include arguments, opinions and information from the Internet.

Write with a coherent structure with introduction, discussion/main part, and a conclusion.

2. Report from the future

You are expected to describe a future scenario based on for instance current technology, trends and tendencies as presented in the given material. Choose either a recipient from today or a recipient from some time in the future. Feel free to find inspiration on the Internet for your future scenario.

You may decide whether to write an estimation of the future development of for instance current technology, trends and tendencies or a more fictional version of the future.

3. Contribution to a debate

You are expected to write either a manuscript for a speech or a letter to the editor (reader’s letter) as a contribution to a debate. Feel free to include opinions, arguments, and information from the Internet. Have a clear opinion on the topic and substantiate your contribution.

Speech: Decide on a time, place, and audience for your speech.

Letter to the editor (reader’s letter): Decide on a newspaper, a news site, or a magazine for your contribution to the debate.

4. News article

You are expected to write a news article with an angle on the given material. It should be written according to the news triangle in which you present the conclusion to the story and the most important information first.

Your article should have a headline, a lead which tells the reader who, what, where, when, how, and why, and a main body which informs, discusses and elaborates. You should present the material in order of decreasing importance.

You must take care not to refer to yourself, so opinions must be given by sources, which is most often done in the shape of direct quotes from e.g. experts, eyewitnesses, or victims.

Feel free to find additional information on the Internet.


“Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap”, Business Insider YouTube channel, 16-11-2019. Viewed 07-09-2020.

Hannah Ellis-Petersen, “How palm oil ban has made the EU a dirty word in Malaysia”, an article, The Guardian website, 25-04-2018. Viewed 07-09-2020.

Professor Datuk Dr Ahmed Ibrahim, “Accept palm oil as a wonderful gift”, The Star website. 01-05-2018. Viewed 07-09-2020.