Engelsk B

Ny ordning

Tirsdag den 3. december 2019
kl. 09.00-14.00

Vejledning til opgavesættet

Du skal besvare følgende opgaver:
  • Assignment 1-6
  • I assignment 6 skal du vælge enten assignment A, B eller C
Tekster til assignment 6:
6 A – Fiction:
“The Splinter”, a short story by Ron Carlson, 2018.
6 B – Non-fiction:
The texts focus on influencers
“Inside the big business of being a social media influencer”, a news clip from CBS News website, 2017.
“The Truth About Being An Influencer”, an article by Alyssa Bossio effortlyss website, 2017.
6 C – Fiction:
“Sundays”, a short film by José Andrés Cardona, Shortoftheweek website, 2018.

Vejledning og skabelon til at løse opgaven
Den samlede eksaminationstid for assignment 1-6 er 5 timer. Besvarelsen bedømmes som en helhed ud fra de faglige mål for niveauet. Der lægges vægt på beherskelsen af det engelske sprog, forståelse af forlægget og færdighed i skriftlig fremstilling på engelsk.

Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-6.

Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip

Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.
Du kan henvise til dele af video- og lydklip, f.eks. ved at angive afspillerens minut- og sekundtal for henholdsvis starten og slutningen af klippet.

Generel skabelon for henvisninger til tekster

Du henviser til tekster ved enten 1) at angive linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i en fodnote eller ved 2) at sætte linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i parentes inde i din tekst:

l. 34: ved en linje

ll. 35-37: ved flere linjer

01:23-02:12: minuttalsangivelse

I fodnoter angives:

Opslag i bog

“Hvad er et ‘utælleligt ord’?”. Helle Brieghel og Dorthe Chalotte Hansen. Engelsk Grundgrammatik. Questions and Answers. Systime 2010. p. 47.

Artikel fra bog eller antologi

“The Romantic Period”. From: Delaney et al., Fields of Vision. 2003. pp. E114-115.

Tekster i opgavesættet

Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.

Assignment 1

Find alle verberne (udsagnsordene) i præteritum (datid) i nedenstående tekst, og omskriv dem til præsens (nutid). Skriv hele teksten som dit svar, og markér verberne (udsagnsordene) tydeligt som i eksemplet.

Eksempel: So this year I was in Denmark again,…

So this year I am in Denmark again,…

So this year I was in Denmark again, ready to report on our small activities […]. The day before St John’s Eve […] on 23 June, we drove west to Jutland and then north as far as we could go, to Skagen.
    On the beach in Skagen a large crowd gathered around 9 pm, though the night was cold and wet. There were speeches on a stage, the longest by someone who worked promoting Denmark as a tourist destination to German tourists. We tried to sing along to “Midsommervise”, clutching a damp song sheet, but Danish was tricky.
    Gusty winds meant the bonfire could only be lit from one side, and it instantly looked dangerous. Three nonchalant firemen stood by while graduating high-school students, wearing traditional white caps that made them look like sailors in a stage musical, tossed study notes into the flames. A few hardy teens stripped down to underwear and ran into the sea. The witch – more of a scarecrow – flew off to Germany when I wasn’t looking. Darkness loomed, and the rain grew heavier, so we walked home around half-past ten, soaked to the skin.

Paula Morris, “Inheritance”, 2017   

Assignment 2

Lyt til podcasten, og skriv eksempler på følgende ordklasser i nedenstående lydklip.
  • 4 adjektiver (tillægsord)
  • 4 pronominer (stedord)
  • 4 præpositioner (forholdsord)
  • 4 verber (udsagnsord)

In the podcast from CBC Radio, Stephen Humphrey talks about a childhood memory.

Assignment 3

Lyt til videoen. Find 10 forskellige substantiver (navneord), og skriv dem i både singularis (ental) og pluralis (flertal).

  Singularis (ental) Pluralis (flertal)

In the interview from BBC News, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle talk about their relationship.

Assignment 4

The sentences below, which are from two different texts, have been jumbled.

Connect the sentences so that they form two meaningful texts.

a) to make the point break at Mars Beach.
b) Every corner contains a story – from the sugar cubes
c) Then he grew up, got married, had kids,
d) Walking the corridors of Churchill War Rooms
e) that he had once again begun to leave the house before anyone else was awake,
f) and started an electrical wiring business that took off.
g) are experiences that live long in the memory.
h) that Churchill insisted be used by his staff.
i) In his youth, Frank Ulla had been a real shaggy-haired surf bum.
j) hoarded by a Map Room officer to the noiseless typewriters
k) and exploring the Churchill Museum
l) It was only in the past year

Assignment 5

Write a polite email (in about 75 words) in which you apply for a position at Oxfam Books Kingston.

You must include the following words. You are not allowed to change the forms of the words. You must underline the words in your text.

consider − dedicated − interesting − enjoy − punctual − happy − could

Do you want to gain more retail experience? Do you love books? Oxfam Books Kingston is a great place to volunteer, and we are in need of new people to carry on our mission.

Oxfam Books Kingston is a unique shop on Old London Road, filled with donated books covering every subject imaginable. We are Kingston Upon Thames’ only used bookshop! We are assisted by a team of wonderful volunteers who each donate their time to a worthy cause, and in turn gain wonderful experience in both retail, charity and future skills! We are currently looking for volunteers to join our current team of 50+ volunteers.

Oxfam’s vision is a just world without poverty.

Please apply if you are interested in becoming a part of our great team!

Assignment 6

  • Answer assignment A or assignment B or assignment C.
  • Answer all the questions in the assignment that you choose.
  • Write separate answers to each question.
  • The total length of your paper must be 700-1000 words.

Assignment A – Fiction

  1. Write a summary of “The Splinter” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “The Splinter”. You must focus on the character Rick.

    Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
    relationship, narrator, setting, title

    Your essay must include references to the text.

  3. Taking your starting point in the short story, discuss the responsibilities adults should live up to in dealing with children.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.

  4. firstly, though, for example, but, in accordance with, lastly, therefore, because

Ron Carlson, “The Splinter”, 2018.

Assignment B – Non-fiction

The texts in this assignment focus on influencers
  1. Write a summary of “Inside the big business of being a social media influencer” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “The Truth About Being An Influencer”. You must focus on what it means to be an influencer.

    Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
    topic, sender, modes of appeal, intention

    Your essay must include references to the text.

  3. Taking your starting point in one of the texts, discuss whether the increasing use of influencers is a positive or negative development.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.

  4. firstly, though, for example, but, in accordance with, lastly, therefore, because

CBS News, “Inside the big business of being a social media influencer”, a news clip from CBS News website, 2017.
Alyssa Bossio, “The Truth About Being An Influencer”, an article from effortlyss website, 2017.

Assignment C – Fiction

  1. Write a summary of “Sundays” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “Sundays”. You must focus on the main character Tommy.

    Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
    relationship, conflict, framing, the ending

    Your essay must include references to the text.

  3. Taking your starting point in the short film, discuss what secrets it may be acceptable to hide from one’s own family.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.

  4. firstly, though, for example, but, in accordance with, lastly, therefore, because

José Andrés Cardona, “Sundays”, a short film, 2018.



Anvendt materiale (til brug for Copydan):

Paula Morris. “Inheritance”. False River. London: Penguin Books, 2017.

CBC Radio. “Generation Mars, Part I”. CBC Radio website, October 20, 2016, viewed February 2018. (www.cbc.ca)

BBC News. “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle − BBC News”. YouTube website, November 27, 2017, viewed February 2019. (www.youtube.com)

Tom Hanks. Uncommon Types. “Welcome to Mars”. New York: William Heinemann, 2017.

Imperial War Museum. “Churchill War Rooms Guidebook”. 2016.

indeed. “URGENT! Charity Bookshop Volunteers Needed”. indeed website, 2018, viewed February 2019. (www.indeed.co.uk)

Ron Carlson. “The Splinter”. D. Seth Horton and Brett Garcia Myhren (eds.). Buffalo Cactus and Other New Stories from the Southwest. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2018.

Alyssa Bossio. “The Truth About Being An Influencer”. effortlyss website, December 21, 2017, viewed February 2019. (https://effortlyss.com)

CBS News. “Inside the big business of being a social media influencer”. CBS News website, September 23, 2017, viewed February 2019. (www.cbsnews.com)

José Andrés Cardona. “Sundays”. Shortoftheweek website, August 2018, viewed February 2019. (www.shortoftheweek.com)

Image credit: Photo of Alyssa Bossio. instagweb website, December 2018, viewed February 2019. (www.instagweb.com)

Image credit: “Oxfam Bookshop Sevenoaks”. Sevenoaks Directory website, viewed February 2019. (www.sevenoaksdirectory.com)